Idaho Video Network Support

Pass-down log for videoconferencing at the University of Idaho
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Today, when I booted up Camera 5 in Ag104, it started with no color, it was completely black and white. Once I rebooted, the colors came up fine. I wanted to post this just in case this is a symptom of something worse.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Had a tough time with the audio from IWC 448 today (I was in Ag104). Not sure why, but we were getting a lot of feedback and it seemed like the echo canceller was chopping out incoming audio from Boise. Keith tried lowering the volume in the Boise room, and that cut down on the problem, but definitely didn't clear it all up.

Both sides were having trouble hearing each other, but trying to increase the volume just exacerbated the problem. I spent the entire meeting trying to ride the volume sliders so that everyone could hear the speaker and not become overwhelmed in feedback.

Also, microphone 2 in Ag104 is acting up again.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Had some problems with a promotion and tenure workshop this morning. Somehow the scheduling in Twin Falls got messed up. The room we were scheduled to use was occupied by someone else. So, when I connected to TF, I ended up getting no picture and an audio feed that made no sense to me (turns out it was an interview going on in the room). I tried to call Jodie, but she was out of town. Apparently, Chris in TF was trying to contact us at the same time to let us know about the room switching error.

Chris was working his way down the phone list, trying to contact someone. He finally managed to contact Heather (who was filling in for Marilyn). The problem was made worse because I forgot my phone at home this morning, so it was very difficult to contact me.

I finally managed to contact someone in TF and they told me to use codec B in TF. However, codec B was off. They actually wanted me to use A, but they wanted to switch to A's secondary room. I called back and managed to get a hold of Chris and we worked out that he wanted to use the secondary feed of A codec. The problem with this was that the only way to switch A is to go in the room that was being used, and they were unwilling to allow Chris access. At this time Daryl was brought into the problem.

I am not exactly clear on what happened next, but Daryl told Chris that he could not be barred from the room, that he had to be allowed to go in there and switch the feeds. Somehow, Chris went in and explained to them that they were in the wrong room and they agreed to move so we could proceed as scheduled. All the problems were resolved and we were finally in...but that was 20 minutes after we were supposed to start.

Friday, May 06, 2005
The GRIP program in Ag 104 is starting to tweak out. I am regularly getting error messages from the software. All the problems are easily worked around right now, but I have a feeling they may get worse. It might be a good idea to re-install GRIP or have someone who is "software smart" have a look at it.

This morning I had to boot it up twice. The first time I got a bunch of error messages and nothing worked. The second time everything seemed to work fine.

Monday, May 02, 2005
Ag 104 has developed another interesting audio problem. For some reason, the newly fixed lapel mic is causing a strange feedback when it is switched off. As long as the mic is on everything seems to work fine, but when it has been on for awhile and it gets switched off, one of the mics develops a loud hiss.

I will try to demonstrate this problem again when either Don or Daryl is in the office.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
The computer in the classroom of Ag 104 seems to be in bad shape. During the day it will randomly lock up or programs will malfunction. Today we had a problem with Excel. Something locked up in it and we could not close it. I used the Task Manager to shut it down, but when we opened the application again we had the same problem. A full system restart solved the problem, but this seems to be an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed.

Monday, April 11, 2005
AgEd 451 - Ag104, TFA (4:00 - 6:00)

The audio switch in Twin Falls that has been giving us troubles finally died tonight. Intermittent audio was the best we could do. The class has been postponed until next week in the hopes that the problem will be resolved by then.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
jeb-kettelson confrence kettelson called and wanted me to connect at 8:58 due to another conf
I connected at 9:00 we could see and hear them but they could not see or here us
I had them try to connect to us but they could not they finaly rebooted thier system and was
able to connect to us time 9:15 called mike and he had a conferene in 1 already scheduled
so it dropped the call we put mike's in2 and reconnected Kettelson all seems fine. Daryl

Monday, February 14, 2005
Today we had problems with both Twin Falls codecs (A & B). At 4:00 Dan had to connect with TF B for a class and it would not accept a dial. I tried to go into the Tandberg website, but it still would not work. Jodie reset in TF and Dan reset here and everything worked fine. I think it was a TF problem because I had the same problem later connecting with TF A (5:00 class). I just went into the TF codec and did a reboot. Connection worked fine after that.

Monday, January 31, 2005
Law 978 - 4:30 to 5:30

B2 kept fluctuating in signal rate, from a high of 384 to a low of 220. I noticed that it stayed around 268 for most of the meeting.
Boise circuit update- Mike Rusca just called to inform me that AT&T has identified a problem directly outside the Boise Center. A technician is working on the trouble call now, and we're hopeful that the circuit will be back up by tomorrow morning.
Vid Team- As you all know, I've been working with Madge to isolate the problem with the Boise circuit. Though we had not found any one specific problem, we did find that both the model 60 here in Moscow, as well as the model 40 in Boise had experienced a number of ESF framing errors beginning on 1/26/05. These errors are directly relate to clocking/timing, and is most likely the cause of the problem. Kurt Smith has contacted AT&T and is currently waiting for a confirmation from Boise as to when the circuit can be tested.
PLSC 547 - 9:30 to 10:20

The Idaho Falls connection this morning came in at 320 kbps (instead of 384) and it never went up from there.

Friday, January 28, 2005
WLF 501--Friday 12:30 to 1:20. Connection between CNR 14 and B2.

The connection today with Boise was awful. The video connection was very broken up and grainy today. Of course, with the ISDN problems, we had to go IP for the whole class session. Everything totally fell apart about 1:05. From then on, the video would freeze, tile, and drop...over and over again. All I could do was keep trying to connect, but the connection would only last for a bare minute before dropping us because the network would fail. What it finally boiled down to was a frozen picture and audio for a few minutes at a shot for the last ten minutes of class.

I am betting the problem was the load on the network in Boise.
PLSC 547--9:30 to 10:20 on Friday morning.

Just after 9:45, Idaho Falls 2 dropped to 0 (zero) kbps and started making a horrible buzzing noise. I dropped them (which took longer than it should to hang up the call), then called them again and everything worked fine again.

I have no idea what caused the problem.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Bad news fellow UOVNSS monkeys (especially head monkey Don). TF (codec A) is having what I like to call "issues". Tonight, they were involved in the EdAd 527 class with B1 and Ed 2. The conference was a disaster from the start. TF's audio never seemed to work right. I keep getting intermittent calls from B1 telling me they can't hear TF. TF called and said everything was correctly routed there and they have no idea what the problem is. I have no real understanding of the TF room, so I had no helpful advice to offer all those marvelous callers.

Apparently Paula tried to work a little with them too, so she may be able to shed more light on the situation.

BUT! TMS fired the meeting correctly, so I am still happy. :-D

Strangely, I never got any calls from Ed 2 saying they had problems, so I am wondering if everything went smoothly there or if no one knew who to call.
I have an idea. Stunning, I know.

I think we should ask each professor at the beginning of the year which type of conference he wants (ie: voice switched or enhanced continuous presence). Probably not using those exact terms unless we like getting blank stares. Maybe something along the lines of "Hey, do you want to see all the classes or do you want to see one class at a time very well?" Then we can also pay attention to the class (a real stretch for me) and give the presenter the floor everytime they use the computer or overheads.

So far, here is my running tally: PLSC 547 wants ECP
EDAD 527 wants ECP
Everything in Jeb 26 wants VS

I only mention this because Don had me switched everything to voice switched, and now I have had two specific requests for me to move it back to enhanced continuous presence.

Luckily, I get paid for all this stuff, so I really don't care how often we switch it. All it means is more experience and more work time for me. WOOT! ;-)

PS--do you guys even know what "woot" means? Not really important, just wondering.

Monday, January 24, 2005
YAAAY! The first meeting I scheduled in TMS this morning (let's not talk about the 2 I forgot/didn't know about) fired on time and connected all of the right sites the first time. Today is going to be a good day.

Friday, January 21, 2005
CE 421, MWF, 10:30 to 11:30 Ed 103 - B1. 1/19/05 and 1/21/05. Both mornings I've received a message saying corrupted data received, please wait, the the Boise video is frozen. 1/19/05 I disconnected and reconnected and all was fine. 1/21/05, audio was choppy from off campus, I dis and reconnected and video froze, so one more time and all was well the rest of the class. Paula

Thursday, January 20, 2005
Noticed a minor problem in the Idaho Association of FCS meeting today. This was an MCU connection between 5 different sites (Moscow FCS, B1, IF 1, TF 3 codec B, and ISU/Pocatello). I noticed that IF 1 began with a nice 384 connection speed, then immediately dropped lower, and then dropped again until it rested at 192 kbps. It seems to be pretty happy there now.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005
TMS has, once again, failed to set up a point-to-point conference. This time the connection was between CNR and B2. I looked in the log, and the error message says that a password was provided, but not needed. I have no idea what that usual.
This morning we had a TMS connection between Ag 104, IF 2, and Aberdeen (PLSC 547). TMS was unable to connect Ab to the conference, so I tried to dial it in manually...also not possible. Gave the folks down in Ab a call and they were able to connect to us from there end.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Well Don, no luck tonight. Adding the 9 seemed to have no effect except possibly confusing the system even further.

Also had problems with the EdAd 527 meeting (5 to 8). TMS had a problem connecting Ed 2 into the system. I ended up manually adding it to the group. Once again, this was a system where TMS said it was IP only but we wanted to connect ISDN. I ended up connecting ISDN by going through the MCU and adding Ed 2.


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