Tuesday, February 28, 2006
BAE 502, 2/28/06, 5 - 8 pm. 2nd week that the audio was really bad. Dr. Sheffield was a good sport, I asked him to move into the library. He and his student figured out how to hook up the computer and the audio is flawless. Class began at 5:30 due to the audio issue and the room move. Amanda was not there to help and she does not have her work cel phone with her. The problem in TFA21 needs to be fixed before this class meets again. Or we'll have to put them in the library. I did try all the trouble shooting things I did last week, and connected them also at 786, nothing helped. PJH
Monday, February 27, 2006
Connection with Meridian tonight had some audio problems. The main problem appreared to be that the connection speed to Meridian from the MCU would not remain stable, it kept dropping from 384 to 192. I dropped the connection and reconnected and that seemed to clear up the problem. I will post again if I have more problems.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Operators including Mike, Jason, Daryl, Don and Paula When you operate in CNR 14, Ed 103 or Ag 104, it is your responsibility to view the class lecture log (That is in the 3 ring notebook that's in the control room). Write down the date corresponding with this weeks lecture. It is also your responsibility to finalize the DVD's for meetings and for the last class of the week. Please label the post it with class name, date(s) and Lect(s). Call me if you have any questions about anything. These discs need to be on my desk by Thursday afternoon, earlier than later if possible. I need to have them labeled and packaged by 3:30 Friday Afternoon. (so I have a couple hours on Thursday afternoon and a couple hours on Friday afternoon to get it all done. Thanks, following these guides will help me immensely. Paula
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
TF, BAE 502, 2/21/06, 6pm, Break time. Over the last hour the audio is really beginning to stutter, at break, I decided to disconnect and try to dial point to point at a higher resolution. Tandberg gave me a message that, temporary network failure and disconnected, soooo I'm now back in the MCU 2 at 384. Class has started and the audio hasn't gotten any better. I give up. Have we been having issues with TF connecting point to point? TF, AGED 306, 1/18/06, I had trouble connecting with TF that night, I think that was in the MCU, AG 104, TF, IF. ph
Thanks Mike for filling in for me at Ag 104 this evening. This is Annie's last High School Jazz Choir Concert. I appreciate it. ph
TF, BAE 502, 2/21/06, 5:00 - 8:00 pm. I called TFA21 Point to Point before 5pm. It had an error and was disconnected. I brought Ag 104 and TFA21 into the MCU 2 a couple minutes before 5pm. The video and audio connection to TF was really tiling, I disconnected and reconnected twice. Now that Ron switched to the power point (no movement) the tiling has subsided and the audio has stutter. I tried to bring TF in at a higher resolution, the MCU did not have a higher choice that 384. Just to let you know. Thanks! Paula
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Ag104 -- The #2 microphone is starting to develop static again. It is like a soothing ocean wave that I just want to beat to death because it is driving me crazy! Anyway, the quick and dirty fix seems to be to just unplug the mic 2 cable from the amp and then plug it back in. This seems to clear out the static for awhile (anywhere from days to weeks). Ag104 -- The #5 microphone was giving me troubles too, but seems to have fixed itself. I wish I had blogged it when it happened, because now I cannot remember what the troubles were.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
TF & Ed 103, were connected when I arrived at Ed 103 this morning. It looks like the class last night was in the MCU. Hmmmm. Could TF have called us back after Jason disconnected the conference? The puzzle for today. Wednesday, 2/15/06, 9:00 am Paula
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
FCS 411, Tuesdays from 3:00 - 4:50pm. Ag 104, TFA21, WSU Spokane. Please use MCU 1 WSU will call into MCU. Lonnie is the Tech, 509-358-7971. Paula
I agree Paula, this may still be the best way to assure that we all get important info. What a concept!
Friday, February 10, 2006
2/10/06, reporting on the UI MCU hosted meeting between CSI, ISU, BSU and LCSC. I did not have any issues, luckily it went as planned. ph